Meet the 21CL Team
The 21st Century Leaders (21CL) team shares a profound passion for youth development, and they authentically exemplify our core values.
Beyond their wealth of experience and expertise, the team fosters an unparalleled culture that greatly benefits our students and enhances professionalism in our partnerships, further enhancing our reputation.
Bonus Impact! Many of our staff are alumni of the program providing an even more unique perspective and impact!

Kate Hewitt
Executive Director
“Every year I’m overwhelmed with the amount of highly engaged and passionate professionals working with our organization and our students. It’s inspiring to see our students emerge into forward-thinking and ambitious leaders and to know our mission is being fulfilled. 21st Century Leaders is truly a special organization and I’m proud to be a part of it.”

Nicole Meadows
Director of Programs & Communications
“I first joined 21st Century Leaders in 2005 as a rising high school junior and have been connected ever since. I love that 21CL brings together such a diverse array of volunteers and participants who together support the value of giving back and impacting their communities through their unique expressions of leadership. There’s such a wonderful model of mentorship, collaboration and education, sustained through opportunities for students to apply the knowledge they gain and activate their potential in a highly supportive group. I’ve been profoundly impacted and I am excited to continue learning from and growing with every 21st Century Leader.”

Timothy Parham
Director of Programs & Operations
“I joined 21st Century Leaders in 2001 as a rising sophomore in high school. In 2006, I came back to 21st Century Leaders to be a part of the Summer Leadership Team. As I’ve returned summer after summer, my leadership skills only progressed, and I have given back to this organization over the years because of the relationships that I have built, leadership traits I have gained, and tears of joy that I have experienced. My life was changed when I stepped foot at my first summer program as an impressionable teen, so joining the 21st Century Leaders staff only makes sense. It feels like I am just coming home.”

Anne Gahongayire
Alumni Relations Manager
“What 21st Century Leaders is doing gives me hope for a better world and I am grateful and blessed for the opportunity to serve, learn and contribute a little bit to this great work of inspiring and empowering the youth to be better leaders of tomorrow. ‘Do your little bit of good where you are, it’s the little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.’ – Desmond Tutu”

Desiree Rodriguez
Program & Community Outreach Manager
“I joined 21st Century Leaders because I want to be a part of an organization that encourages young adults to step out of their comfort zone and provide them with the resources to become leaders. I love that 21CL advocates for inclusivity and diversity within its organization. I am thrilled to be a part of this team and impactful nonprofit organization. ‘Never limit yourself!’

Julian Mason
Program Manager
“I first joined 21CL as a rising sophomore in high school looking to become more well-rounded and diversify my extracurricular activities. After doing their summer leadership institute, EarthCare, in 2015, I knew I wanted to participate in more programming which led me to join the Youth Ambassadors and other experiences that following school year. From there, I felt empowered as a leader to show up as authentically and fearlessly as possible in any environment. I’m now rejoining with a robust love for experiential learning opportunities to support, invigorate, and innovate 21CL’s current programming. It’s my hope to be a catalyst for curiosity and creativity as students grow in their own individual journeys.