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Chairman’s Corner

As 21st Century Leaders celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2024, our Board Chair, DeRetta Cole Rhodes, Ph.D., shares her thoughts and connects leadership insights with one of our leadership values in mind each month of this landmark year.

Tune in each month of 2024 for a new episode in this video series, as she discusses each of our (5) leadership values and (7) competencies that we instill in our students through our year-round programs.

21CL Leadership Competency: Career Ambition

Hear about the 21CL leadership competency of CAREER AMBITION in this month’s video:

Listen to the Series

Self-Development, a 21CL Leadership Competency (June 2024) – listen here

Forward Thinking, a 21CL Leadership Value (May 2024) listen here

Resourceful, a 21CL Leadership Value (April 2024) – listen here

Service-Oriented, a 21CL Leadership Value (March 2024) – listen here

Inclusive, a 21CL Leadership Value (February 2024) – listen here

Resilient, a 21CL Leadership Value (January 2024) – listen here

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