Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Wiggins

21CL taught me the importance of networking, building connections, and being confident in myself. Developing those skills has helped me to become a communications professional for local municipalities where I am responsible for keeping thousands of residents informed, educated, and engaged. In times of crisis, 21CL has prepared me to become a fearless leader in rolling out a communications plan and protocol for my staff that focuses on keeping the community safe and informed in a timely manner

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Alumni Spotlight: Nolie Burns

Programs like 21CL are important because they expose students to diverse experiences, people, institutions, and perspectives that they may not receive within their own community. These programs promote post-secondary readiness while creating well-rounded individuals who can take on the world with just a little more confidence than the student who did not get the same exposure.

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Alumni Spotlight: JoDeanah Noble

The second Alumni Spotlight for September 2020 is JoDeanah Noble, a graduate of Henry W. Grady High School (2009), of the University of West Georgia and of Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) (2014). JoDeanah is a seamstress for television and film and she owns an apparel company that specializes in women’s and children’s clothing and men’s accessories. She volunteered at SCAD Day this year to speak about her creative career journey.  

Paint a brief picture of what you are doing now.

Currently, in the midst of the pandemic, I’ve spent a lot of my time working on my business, Jo David Design Studio, which luckily is an apparel company so I have been able to stay busy. I specialize in women’s and children’s clothing, men’s accessories, and as of this year masks! I am also a seamstress/tailor for television and film working on shows and movies for HBO, CBS, FOX, BET and more. My day-to-day differs greatly between creating masks, client work, scheduling meetings and photo shoots, marketing, and creating new sketches and designs for the next season.

With our new normal, I have to make more effort to get away from the screen and/or sewing machine and get out of the house. Atlanta looks so different on foot! But I do enjoy seeing the city a different way and taking advantage of the Beltline Trails near me and exploring hidden nooks and gems along the way.

How did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What skills/tools/perspectives have helped you along the way?

Prior to 21CL, public speaking had been an area I excelled in. Joining 21CL allowed me to be around my peers and gain more confidence speaking to groups large and small and learn to listen and connect with those I spoke to on all levels. Being in an environment with other driven and enthusiastic students made speaking and making my voice heard more comfortable and much more relaxing in many situations. I held many student government positions in high school including Class President and Executive Council member and was a Yearbook Copy Editor. In college at the University of West Georgia, as a student government senator, I became Public Relations Chair and voted “Senator of the Year.” Later, at Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD Atlanta) I was also a student ambassador.

In addition to making way for leadership roles, programs like 21CL fostered many friendships that I have to this day and helped me in learning discipline to excel in operating my own business.

Which programs did you participate in, and when? What skills did you gain or improve through those programs?

I participated in the 21CLub at Grady High School, attended a Summer Leadership Institute at Georgia Southern University and had an internship with Turner Studios. Through my internship at Turner, my group worked with Turner Classic Movies. I love older movies, and Gone With the Wind is one of my favorites! It was my first internship which made me a bit nervous, but having other 21CL members by my side, the process was much smoother as we all helped each other brainstorm ideas and finish assignments together. In addition, I gained more confidence in presenting those ideas and creating a final product all through teamwork and collaboration. In high school and early college years, I thought I wanted to be a journalist; funny that I now have my own Scarlet O’Hara moments everyday as a fashion designer!

What was a memorable or ‘aha’ moment in 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peers, speaking in public for the first time, etc.?

I would say that a memorable moment for me is even 10+ years later by continuing to be in touch with fellow 21CL alumni both from and outside my high school network. As a business owner, it warms my heart to have their support and be included for their special moments having made wedding dresses, suits and baby and children’s clothing for some of them.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so how? And have you recently learned something else about leadership? Please share!

I believe to be an effective leader, one must learn to observe and listen. I’ve been able to apply that in all aspects of my professional life. On film sets, I need to make decisions based on the fit and on how actors move in costumes; I listen to feedback from clients on styles and colors they would like to see more of or what sells best, and I have to be able to acknowledge the work my team does to help keep us all afloat. I appreciated participating in 21CL alumni  round table discussions where everyone had their own spotlight of input to share and engage with students.

Alumni Spotlight: Jason Soucy Tilley

Our first alumni spotlight for March 2020 is Jason Soucy Tilley, a graduate of South Effingham High School (2005) and of University of West Georgia (2009), and University of Texas (post graduate, 2011). He is a Multi-site Apartment Community Manager at MAA (Mid-America Apartments) in Nashville, Tennessee. Jason says that during his time at 21CL’s summer institutes, he developed a newfound sense of confidence and ability to network with proficiency.

Paint a brief picture of what you are doing now.

I am currently a multi-site apartment community manager, managing as many as 748 apartment homes and over 1,200 residents. Outside of management, I serve as a committee member of our company’s corporate charity, the Open Arms Foundation, serve in a regional leadership training role, and I am on several committees within our apartment association. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my spouse and our dogs in our Nashville home, hiking, cooking, and volunteering with our local United Way chapter.

How did participating in 21CL transform you and lead you to where you are now?

Growing up in a low-income family, I did not have access to many opportunities to build professional skills. I was also very shy and somewhat awkward. 21CL came along and completely changed that. Over my time at the summer institutes, I developed a newfound sense of confidence and ability to network with proficiency. As a result, I find myself today seeking opportunities to further develop my network and professional skill set to better myself and others.

How did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What skills/tools/perspectives have helped you along the way?

During my summer institutes, I learned how to have productive conversations, manage conflict, appreciate and embrace diversity, and speak with confidence in public. These skills prepared me for college, where I held leadership positions—including a presidency—of two student organizations by the end of my first year. After graduating, I utilized those skills in graduate school, where I was elected to similar leadership opportunities. The drive that 21CL helped build within me has led to today, the time in which I find myself a successful professional with a large network and numerous opportunities to better myself and those around me.

Which programs did you participate in, and when? What skills did you gain or improve through those programs?

I attended Summer Leadership Institutes at Southern Polytechnic State University (prior to its merger with Kennesaw State University) and Georgia Southern University in the summers of 2003 and 2004.

What was a memorable or ‘aha’ moment in 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peers, speaking in public for the first time, etc.?

I have two distinct 21CL “aha moments.” The first came during an event for which Dr. Beheruz Sethna, the president of the University of West Georgia, was the speaker. During this speech, Dr. Sethna presented about college readiness, the standardized test taking process, and admissions. It was a great speech! At the end of the speech, he allowed for questions. I found myself doing something I’d have never done before 21CL—I raised my hand to ask a question. With butterflies, I asked “How do you account for students with good grades who perform badly on standardized tests as a result of test taking anxiety?” I was so nervous, I don’t even remember his answer! But I do remember the support of my peer group, who applauded me for asking the question.

The second “aha moment” also is related to an act of courage. Our group leader, Era Hall (who was my biggest advocate), brought us to the Westin hotel in Atlanta. Which had a glass elevator going all the way to the top. Terrified of heights, I refused at first. She insisted I go and wouldn’t let me say “No.” Her persistence made me cave, and I did. I survived. And, aside from taking a bold approach in my everyday leadership approach, I now have been to the observation decks of the Willis and Hancock Towers in Chicago and enjoy roller coasters.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so how? And have you recently learned something else about leadership? Please share!

I consider my leadership style to be borne from 21CL and honed over time throughout college, graduate school, and my career. I would describe my leadership style as Servant Leadership governed by Three C’s: cool, collaborative, and caring. Remaining calm and level-headed has always been a natural strength of mine. However, 21CL taught me collaboration skills that form the cornerstone of my style. One of my favorite components of leadership is guiding my team or my peers to getting the answers on their own by remaining positive and uplifting and asking intentional questions for them to get where they need to go. Doing so leads to their own empowerment, which only makes them better. And eventually it becomes a beautiful, continuously enriching cycle.

I live by this leadership motto: “My goal is to make you so good at what you do that I become superfluous.” Thanks, 21CL, for making me so motivated to serve others that I desire nothing more than to work myself out of importance.