For 35 years, Georgia Power has been investing in youth leadership development for communities across Georgia by supporting and partnering with 21st Century Leaders (21CL) to inspire youth to lead.
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Alumni Spotlight: William K. Holley, IV
Our second spotlight for September is William K. Holley, IV a graduate of DeKalb Early College Academy (2016) and currently a computer science senior at Georgia State University. He has served as 21CL Youth Ambassador and regularly volunteers with many organizations including 21st Century Leaders. William has also worked our summer leadership team for our summer leadership institutes in 2018 and 2019. In his post, William shares how 21CL facilitated him to understand the power of diversity and shaped his leadership style.
Paint a brief picture of what you are doing now.
I am a Computer Science senior at Georgia State University. I am also the Digital Editor of The Signal (the official student newspaper of Georgia State University) and a Cartoon Network Digital QA Intern.
How did participating in 21CL transform you and lead you to where you are now?
Participating in 21CL through student programs and leadership roles gave me the experience, knowledge, and confidence necessary to sculpt my current and future self.
And how did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What skills/tools/perspectives have helped you along the way?
Every exercise, conversation, and interaction with 21CL is designed to prepare you for professional world. Easily the most impactful skill/tool/perspective was that of social interaction. One’s ability to deliver a message accurately, passionately, and with respect is translatable to every situation in life.
Which programs did you participate in, and when? What skills did you gain or improve through those programs?
I participated in the summer institutes including, Turner Voices Youth Media Institute in 2014 during my tenure as a student member of 21CL. I also served as a Youth Ambassador from 2014-2016 during the school years and attended the school-year leadership summits and service projects. My ability to communicate a clear and concise message was definitely improved the most through those programs and opportunities.
What was a memorable or ‘aha’ moment in 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peers, speaking in public for the first time, etc.?)
The most memorable moment in 21CL was definitely winning the Turner Voices Youth Media Institute (now YMI) program in 2014. I was in a state of awe and was not expecting to then present the pitch on stage in front of about 120 people.
Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so how? And have you recently learned something else about leadership? Please share!
Absolutely. From the day you begin your journey with 21CL you will witness firsthand how diverse this world truly is. People from all walks of life come together with a centralized goal to lead in their schools, communities, social lives, and professions. Understanding the power of diversity and how it makes us stronger as a unit is easily the greatest way 21CL assisted me in developing my leadership style. I no longer go into situations thinking just of myself, but now of who I am, who I represent, and how I can make a positive impact on everyone.
Alumni Spotlight: Jared D. Howard
Jared. D. Howard is a graduate of Redan High School (2013), of Georgia State University (2017) and currently a graduate student at Belhaven University (2020); he works as Admissions Specialist at Morehouse School of Medicine. Jared describes himself as an actor, dancer, and singer who is making waves throughout the entertainment scene in Atlanta, Georgia and he says that 21CL inspired him in many ways. He says it transformed him to be more vocal and assertive and helped him realize that one can never stop growing.

Alumni Spotlight: Taylor Benford
Taylor Benford is our second Alumni Spotlight for November 2018! She works as a Senior Consulting Analyst at Accenture and is a graduate of Howard University (2016) and of Whitefield Academy (2012). Taylor says that participating in 21st Century Leaders gave her a strong foundation for becoming a transformative leader throughout her college years and as a young professional. For her, it’s never too early to start giving back! Read on…
Paint a brief picture of what you are doing now
I’m currently a Senior Consulting Analyst at Accenture where I’m in the Consulting Development Program. Specializing in Finance Analytics, my project experience ranges with clients in a variety of industries from Public Service to Communications.
How did participating in 21CL transform you and lead you to where you are now?
Participating in 21st Century Leaders armed me with the foundations of becoming a transformative leader in collegiate and professional settings. I am deeply grateful for the guidance that I received – from understanding the importance of advocating for myself and others to learning appropriate business casual attire. This guidance led me to joining a professional business fraternity, obtaining multiple internships, and entering my senior year of college with an accepted job offer. As a young professional, my leadership skills have carried me where inexperience may have created adversity.
How did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What skills/tools/perspectives have helped you along the way?
21CL provided me with the confidence and reassurance that I needed to pursue leadership opportunities when I started college. During my freshman year at Howard University, I was elected as Treasurer of the School of Business Freshman Council and was admitted into the Freshman Leadership Academy. I can definitely trace the refinement of my soft skills, such as public speaking and effective networking, back to my 21CL roots.
Which programs did you participate in, and when? What skills did you gain or improve through those programs?
I participated in Leadership Plugged-In (now TVYMI) in 2011, during the summer before my senior year of high school. Learning how to work collaboratively, speak with poise regardless of audience, and understanding the influence of technology on business at Leadership Plugged-In has been a catalyst in my success. Also, having the opportunity to present to Turner executives in high school has definitely made it easier for me to present to C-suite client executives at work today.
What was a memorable or ‘aha’ moment in 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peers, speaking in public for the first time, etc.?)
The most memorable moment for me was meeting so many amazing people from across Georgia. The entire week of Leadership Plugged-In we encouraged each other, worked tirelessly to complete our presentations, and built lasting connections. I recall being in awe of how ambitious and passionate everyone was. Iron sharpens iron and I returned to school that fall with a renewed spark. I still keep in contact with many people from that summer and truly value that experience.
Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? If so, how? And have you recently learned something else about leadership? Please share!
I believe that one of my key strengths is my ability to create genuine connections with people from all backgrounds and levels. During Leadership Plugged-In, we had to seek feedback from Turner executives as well as our counselors to produce a successful business case presentation. I strive to be a 360-degree leader who successfully leads themselves, leads upwards, leads across peers, and leads downwards. Staying in contact with 21CL over the last 7 years has afforded me many opportunities to volunteer. No matter where you are in your career, it’s never too soon to start giving back!
Alumni Spotlight, Khari Arnold
April’s 21CL Alumni Spotlight is Khari Arnold, a graduate of Westlake High School and Howard University, who currently works at Turner as a Senior Producer of Khari recently reengaged with 21CL by giving back as a volunteer by helping read and review our recent student applications. The same application he went through just a few years ago. Khari shares how enduring connections made with mentors through 21st Century Leaders lead to a career at Turner.
Khari got involved with 21CL in 2010 by attending 21CL’s summer leadership institute, Leadership Unplugged in 2010 (now known as Turner Voices Youth Leadership Institute) and continued through the program during his senior year landing him an internship that following summer.
How did participating in 21CL change you and/or lead you to where you are now?
The media industry was something I had interest in as early as middle school. When I got to high school, I got involved with the yearbook staff and joined a local teen newspaper. These were great opportunities, but I found 21st Century Leaders to be the most enjoyable and satisfying experience. Here, I received great principles that allowed me to build the foundation of where I am today. The program allowed me to witness a professional setting in my desired field, while garnering vital information that would help me get there (and not just get there, but succeed while there as a leader). I was fortunate to learn what it was like to work on a team and pitch an idea to a panel of executives, something I still do in my current career.
Are you an alumni of 21st Century Leaders and want to be featured in the next Alumni Spotlight? Update us on where you are now.
Alumni Spotlight: Charlese Watson
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Alumni Spotlight: Charlese Watson
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Charlese Watson, owner of HoneyBee Studios, participated in the 21st Century Leaders summer leadership institute program at Savannah State University in 2007. Prior to that, she participated in the inaugural Turner-sponsored summer leadership institute program at GA Tech in 2006. She was also a marketing intern for 21st Century Leaders from 2007 – 2008 (which was “loads of fun!”) and is a volunteer with 21CL. Charlese is a high school graduate of DeKalb School of the Arts and college graduate of Savannah College Art & Design.
Currently, Charlese is focusing on building clientele for her videography company, HoneyBee Studios. She has two brands under her company: the first brand is dedicated to filming weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, birthday parties, and special occasions; the second brand is dedicated to filming promotional videos for corporate clients, music videos, etc. She is continuing to build out her wedding brand, with plans to strategically focus on the corporate brand side in the summer of 2018.
How did participating in 21CL change you and/or lead you to where you are now?
21st Century Leaders gave me lifelong friendships and the leadership skills I needed to pursue and be successful in various positions throughout my college career. 21st Century Leaders also provided me with the confidence needed to go after my dreams and create a life that I enjoy living. The organization taught me how important it is to help those around you and give back when you can.
What was your most memorable moment in 21CL?
A memorable moment for me was when we had the opportunity to visit Turner Studios and shoot a Public Service Announcement (PSA).
How did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What tools/perspectives have helped you along the way?
21st Century Leaders taught me how to network and how to work with people of different backgrounds. Both of these tools allowed the transition into college to be smooth for me. With the leadership skills I developed, I was able to secure multiple part-time jobs and leadership positions while in school, which included being an orientation assistant, marketing assistant for the school magazine and newspaper, student ambassador, and first year experience peer mentor, amongst other roles.
What’s something you’ve recently learned about leadership?
Being a great leader means being of service to the people you lead, caring about their needs and goals, as well as supporting them every step of the way.
What advice or encouragement do you have for 21CL students?
Take the program seriously. Make a ton of connections. Learn all that you can because you never know when you’ll need to pull from your experiences within the organization. Keep in touch with your peers throughout your college career!
Learn more about HoneyBee Studios and Charlese’s targeted brands at Best wishes, Charlese! Thank you for sharing inspiration with future entrepreneurs like yourself, and we’re sure we will see you soon!
Alumni Spotlight: Manny Elsar, Jr.
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21CL Alumni Spotlight: Manny Elsar, Jr.
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You wouldn’t know it now, but before participating in 21st Century Leaders, Manny Elsar, Jr. held himself back from talking to the people he could learn from. Then, he attended Leadership Unplugged: A CNN Experience (which has since evolved into Turner Voices Youth Media Institute) in 2012, and the art of conversation was unlocked!
How did participating in 21CL change you and/or lead you to where you are now?
21CL was the catalyst to a number of leadership positions I’ve had on campus. Leadership Unplugged brought me out my comfort zone by introducing me to a different set of influential people in the field I wanted to go into in high school. (Funny enough, I don’t do anything in journalism in college but in the future I’d love to be on news shows like Bloomberg and CNNMoney discussing economic policies!) I think the number one thing that 21CL taught me was that networking is key in a work setting. If you don’t leave a business setting without learning the story of at least one person there, you’re doing yourself a disservice.
What was your most memorable moment in 21CL?
My most memorable moment in 21CL was the salsa dancing! It was a nice way to unwind from the other aspects of the week, and it taught me something new that I’d never experienced before. This was four years ago, but I also remember meeting Carl Azuz.
How did 21CL prepare you for your next steps? Going into college and taking on leadership roles, heading into a new era of professionalism, etc. What tools or perspectives have helped you along the way?
One thing that 21CL does well on a consistent basis is making sure its students are prepared to enter the world as young professionals, no matter what field they enter. I distinctly remember feeling so empowered after the week at Georgia Tech because it showed me that people who looked like me and came from similar backgrounds like myself were not just living, but thriving in their careers. I’ve brought that sense of comradery I felt in 21CL and brought it to organizations that I’ve been a part of at UGA.
A critical tool that I gained from 21CL was the ability to “work a room.” Before Leadership Unplugged, I was very timid and never really tried to break free from the mold that I created for myself (quiet, does well in school and nothing more). After 21CL, I remember my parents talking about how I became a lot more outgoing and willing to just talk to people. If there’s one thing that we can all improve on as young professionals, it’s the art of conversation. Knowing when to let other people guide the discussion or speaking up when it makes sense is a skill that I’m still honing to this day, but it never would have started without my experiences in 21CL. For that, I’m forever grateful.
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Manny Elsar, Jr. is a senior at the University of Georgia studying Economics & International Affairs with a minor in Spanish. He graduated from Etowah High School in 2013.
Manny took the lessons from his time in 21CL into many new opportunities where he could grow in personal and community leadership. In 2016 Manny was selected to be an Orientation Leader at UGA for matriculating freshmen, and in 2017 he reconnected with 21CL to serve as a volunteer leader to current 21CL students at the Goizueta Youth Leadership Summit!
Thank you, Manny, for inspiring us to seek a connection in any conversation and for sharing your leadership with 21CL!