Legacy Partner Spotlight: Warner Bros. Discovery

21st Century Leaders Celebrates 35-Year Partnership with Warner Bros. Discovery

(Atlanta, GA) For 35 years, Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), formerly Turner, has been supporting and partnering with 21st Century Leaders (21CL) to inspire youth to lead. In three decades, this legacy partnership has served over 17,000 of Georgia’s high school students with career and leadership training, including volunteer opportunities, paid internships, a student-led social enterprise business developed by students and Cartoon Network managers, and even employment for industry-inspired 21CL alumni!

21st Century Leaders began in 1989 as the Georgia Business Forum, changing names in 1996 to 21st Century Leaders (21CL). The organization launched its first “summer business academy” in 1991, focusing on business education and diversity training for Georgia’s high school students to prepare for leadership roles in the workforce and in their communities. Since its beginning, 21CL has partnered with companies to provide equitable opportunities for youth to access professionals, career knowledge, resources for service and leadership, and confidence for their future pathways.

It was the early 1990’s when a community affairs executive at Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), Terri Tingle, solidified the collaborative relationship between 21CL and the Atlanta-based media company, establishing a legacy of support that continues today through sponsorship, program development, employee engagement and Board membership.

Then, it was Dennis Quinn, Executive Vice President at Turner at the time, and 21CL’s Board Chair in the early 2000’s, whose forward-thinking passion for leadership drove the creation of 21CL’s first co-branded summer leadership institute in 2006 called Leadership Unplugged: A CNN Experience. That became a pivotal turning point for the organization. Bob Watson, Founding Executive Director of 21st Century Leaders says, “He is a really great example of what committed leadership could do.”

Warner Bros. Discovery had been sponsoring corporate exploration days and year round programming including, for several years, the Cartoon Network Closet, a unique work experience for high school students. This student-run social enterprise gave high school students a paid or credited work experience running a storefront on eBay selling branded items donated by the network to support 21st Century Leaders, as well as the opportunity to work with network managers and executives on collaborative special projects. Dennis Adamovich, who currently serves on 21CL’s Advisory Council, led this Initiative when he was SVP of Marketing for Cartoon Network during the early 2000s, proving once again that committed leadership drives impact. Building on years of support and collaboration, WBD’s sponsorship of a week-long program introduced a new level of impact and sustainability to the partnership.

Images of Turner Voices events photographed on Monday, June 19, 2017 in Atlanta, GA. Photo by John Nowak/TBS

For 18 summers from 2006 to 2023, Warner Bros. Discovery’s support of this media-focused summer program allowed nearly 1,800 high school students to participate at no cost in a curated, premier residential program and gain invaluable insights and access into the media and entertainment industry that continues to expand in Georgia. The name of the institute changed over the years as the company evolved, but their commitment to investing in future talent and youth leadership stayed consistent and even grew with the inclusion of a paid summer institute exclusively available to high school senior students from WBD’s organizational partners (like 21CL). 

“Warner Bros. Discovery is proud of our longstanding partnership with 21st Century Leaders, and we celebrate their achievements over these last 35 years. Throughout our partnership, we have been fortunate to work with the incredible 21CL team to co-create engaging in-depth student programs focused on building career pathways in the media and entertainment industry. I am proud to have witnessed first-hand the impact of the work, seeing so many 21CL students pursuing careers in the media industry and even joining our company as interns and full-time employees. We look forward to elevating our reach this year and remaining a source of mentorship and inspiration for the future leaders of our industry,” says Sydney Langdon, Senior Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at WBD.

“Warner Bros. Discovery’s commitment has never waivered for three decades. Not many nonprofits can say that about their partners. To me, that only shows their committed and passionate leadership, shared values, and strong belief in the work 21st Century Leaders has done and continues to do for Georgia’s youth,” says Kate Hewitt, Executive Director for 21st Century Leaders. “Our collective investment in inspiring and developing diverse storytellers and leaders has left, and continues to leave, an indelible mark on Georgia’s communities and beyond.”

As we celebrate our 35th anniversary in 2024, Warner Bros. Discovery continues to support 21CL as a legacy partner. In addition to producing in-kind videos highlighting our Georgia Youth Leadership Award winners, they will be one of our partners for our new Film & Entertainment Institute launching in summer 2024, and they are the presenting sponsor of our annual fundraising event, the Be the Inspiration Gala, taking place on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at Zoo Atlanta.

Several of the featured Alumni Spotlights share the impact this company has had on them whether during a program or now as an employee.

Written by Nicole Meadows, Dir. of Programs & Communications, 21st Century Leaders (21CL Alumni)

Share the inspiration!

Alumni Spotlight: Keyla Cabret-Lewis

For our 35th anniversary, we’ll be sharing the stories of 35 alumni showcasing the leaders they are today and how 21st Century Leaders inspired and impacted their journey. Alumni will represent the 3.5 decades since our founding in 1989 – the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s. Take a read and be inspired!

35th Anniversary Alumni Spotlight

1990’s Decade
: Keyla Cabret-Lewis
H.S. Grad Year: Class of 1997
High School: Carver High School (Columbus, GA)
College: Columbus State University
Current Role: Vice President, DEI + Talent Development, Aflac

How has your career unfolded and how did participating in 21CL help prepare you for your next steps going to college, taking on a new leadership role in community/college?

I started in corporate America very young -a sophomore in High School- so going into the 21st Century Leaders program was very timely and appropriate development training for me.  Some of lessons that I learned during the program were brand new but more importantly much of the content in the program detailed working in teams, etiquette, etc., and I was already experiencing this at work.  This made the program very applicable and appealing.

What’s your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peer, speaking in public for the first time, etc.)

It’s hard to pick one moment out of the experience…this was my 1st time away from my home overnight and meeting teens from out of town was not common so the exposure to so many different young people of like minds was cool.  That we were all there to learn about being leaders was eye opening too…so many commonalities, many differences but we all wanted to do more for ourselves, families, communities.  Humbling even at that age.

Keyla is third in from right at a 21CL summer institute.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? If so, how? 

I would say that the fact the organization still exists with the sole purpose to lift young people up and teach them more about leadership and themselves…that’s an effective leadership characteristic that I believe in.

Why do you believe programs like 21CL are important? And what advice would you give to a current or future student?

Programs like 21st Century Leaders are key to the development of young people’s soft skills. Many times, academia focuses on technical skills but does not always spend time on the skills that help young people interact with adults during interviews, during lunches/dinners, communicate with people via email professionally, work as a team…all these skills are critical in the workplace and lead to success.  Why not start cultivating these skills in high school.  I often tell young people that I come across, “find a good internship, co-op, or program that can help you prepare for the workplace”.  21st Century Leaders does that and more.

Alumni Spotlight: Julian Mason

Julian Mason is a graduate of Westminster High School (2018) and of Drexel University (2022). He participated in many of our student programs, was a 21CL Youth Ambassador and during his college years and after, he has continued to volunteer with 21CL helping read and score summer applications and volunteering at our most recent golf fundraiser. Julian is a founder of a consulting company, New Hope Visionairies Coaching & Consulting LLC.  Your challenges & stories are yours, and the more you do to not only learn from them, but also embrace them, I genuinely believe the better off you will be. Get to know yourself as deeply and intimately as possible. Explore your interests, see new scenes, and pour into yourself the best way you know how to and can.” ~Julian Mason’s advice to current and future high school students

Paint a brief picture about yourself and what you are doing now.

I graduated from Drexel University in June 2022 Magna Cum Laude with my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Marketing concentration and obtained my certificate for Social Responsibility in Business. Since graduating, I spent a little bit of time in grad school until I let experience be my best teacher and started my own business, New Hope Visionairies Coaching & Consulting LLC. Essentially, it has two primary functions: 1.) consult companies looking to build upon or create experiential learning opportunities for early career professionals, and 2.) coach early career professionals looking to take advantage of and benefit from experiential learning opportunities. I love working with individuals between the ages of 16-23 to help them become more aware of themselves and more intentional about how they would like to work and contribute to their communities, and I think a good chunk of that passion of mine started with 21CL. So, if you’re ever interested in working together from a coaching or consulting perspective, reach out!

When were you in high school and which 21CL programs did you participate in? 

I graduated from Westminster in 2018 and first participated in 21CL doing Earthcare at Berry College in 2015. The following year, I became a Youth Ambassador and engaged in programming throughout the year. Since graduating high school, I have participated in programs through alumni volunteer opportunities like fundraisers and reviewing new member applications.

How has your career unfolded and how did participating in 21CL help prepare you for your next steps going to college, taking on a new leadership role in community/college and after?

I got the chance to explore my interests through some amazing Co-op experiences in college. My first came with working at Sephora as a Talent Acquisition Coordinator where my biggest project was helping them build, launch, and manage their first virtual internship program due to the rise of COVID-19. The following year, I earned the opportunity to work with Sephora’s parent company LVMH Inc. Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton as a Talent Management & Corporate Social Responsibility Intern where I got to work with the 40+ North American brands that fall under LVMH Inc. such as Tiffany & Co., Dior, Rimowa, Bulgari, and more, to develop and enhance programming for their early career professionals. 21CL truly has had a positive impact on me and enhanced my passion for developing programs and systems that help teens and young adults explore the value of experiential learning opportunities. I grew up on the south side of town but went to school in Buckhead, so I like to operate from a spectrum of perspectives. It wasn’t until I found 21CL that I started to nurture this spectrum. 21CL has a way of providing an individual with the platform to believe in themselves and their capabilities as a leader like no other program does.

What’s your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peer, speaking in public for the first time, etc.)

My ‘aha’ moment during my time in 21CL was definitely the ropes course. I had never done anything like it, and I really wanted to push myself outside of my comfort zone. I remember being so scared to the point of me almost not doing the course, but then my peer leader and fellow members supported me so much to the point where I did not care about failing after I tried because I realized that failing would be not trying in the first place. Long story short, I completed the ropes course, overcame a fear of failing in the moment, and became a more confident leader with an increased reverence for community support.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so, how? And if you’ve recently learned something else about leadership please share!

21CL helped me to develop a collaborative leadership style for sure. I feel as if my experiences with 21CL such as Earth Care and Youth Ambassadors always showed me that even though you may be the designated leader, you might not always know what is best, so you must be as good a follower as you are a leader, and doing so even makes you a better leader. I remember when I became the president of the Black Student Union during my senior year in college, I told everyone at the first general body meeting that they were also the president of the organization. This was the first year back on campus after COVID, and I knew that if I wanted to enhance the sustainability and longevity of the organization, then I needed others to have ownership of their ideas and that came with simply sharing some of my leadership as President. Lessons like that can only be learned from one’s own experiences, so I am extremely grateful for the experiences that I had with 21CL that force me to reflect and be externally introspective because they make me a well-rounded leader by welcoming the perspective of others.

What advice would you give to a current or future student?

The advice that I would give to current or future students is to trust in YOUR struggle, live for YOU, and give love to YOUR life. Your challenges & stories are yours, and the more you do to not only learn from them, but also embrace them, I genuinely believe the better off you will be. Get to know yourself as deeply and intimately as possible. Explore your interests, see new scenes, and pour into yourself the best way you know how to and can.

How would you describe 21CL in three words?

21CL described in three words: Fulfilling, Impactful, Motivating

Alumni Spotlight: Jena Paramesh

Jena Paramesh is a graduate of Alan C. Pope High School (2019) and of Tulane University (2023). Throughout high school, Jena attended many of our student programs, was a 21CL Youth Ambassador and during her college years she provided pro-bono consulting services to non-profits and small businesses. Jena is currently travelling and volunteering for a youth organization abroad before starting a consulting job with Capgemini Invent in New York City in January 2024. I consider myself a servant leader. I like to lead with the intention of impacting others meaningfully and with care and kindness. I’ve also recently learned that good leaders know when to and not to take on projects. If you are spreading yourself too thin it’s likely that others you work with will feel it too. It’s important to be intentional with the type of projects you choose to take on.” ~Jena Paramesh

Paint a brief picture about yourself and what you are doing now.

Hi, I’m Jena Paramesh. I graduated in May 2023 from Tulane University with a BSM in Finance and a minor in Psychology and Management. Aside from my coursework, I involved myself in Consult Your Community, a pro-bono consulting club for non-profits and small businesses, Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity, and Jazbaa, my school’s Bollywood dance team. I am now set to begin a consulting role at Capgemini Invent in New York City this January (2024). As I prepare to start work I am travelling and volunteering for a youth organization abroad.


When were you in high school and which 21CL programs did you participate in?

I attended Alan C. Pope High School in Marietta, GA from 2015 to 2019. In the summer of 2017 I was part of the Turner Youth Voices Media Institute now known as Warner Bros. Discovery Youth Media Summit and of the Summer Youth Leadership Institute (SYLI@ Goizueta) in 2018. I was also chosen to participate in the 2018 Summer Immersion Program where I shadowed at Hire Dynamics assisting on human resource tasks and special projects. My senior year I attended events throughout the year and served on the leadership team as a 21CL Youth Ambassador.


How has your career unfolded and how did participating in 21CL help prepare you for your next steps going to college, taking on a new leadership role in community/college and after?

When I first joined 21CL, I was a high school student with a passion for leadership and a desire to make a positive impact on my community. Over the years, 21CL has played a pivotal role in shaping my personal and professional development. It has helped build my confidence, effective communication, and teamwork skills. One particular aspect that I found immensely beneficial was the concept of building a personal ‘brand’ and crafting an effective elevator pitch. This skill set enabled me to stay true to my core beliefs and attract like-minded individuals. Additionally, I wasn’t afraid to speak up and run for different leadership roles, eventually leading to my position as co-president of Consult Your Community in my junior year. Looking ahead, I am confident that the foundation I built through my participation in 21CL will continue to guide my career.


What’s your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peer, speaking in public for the first time, etc.)

On my third day at camp I introduced a senior director at Turner Broadcasting. I remember being so nervous to stand on stage and use a microphone in front of everyone. It was my first time introducing someone so important and furthermore in front of others of the same prestige. However, everyone I spoke to afterward was so supportive and friendly. It was an “aha” moment for me because instead of being intimidated by these leaders I was able to realize that they are all open and more than willing to help and offer encouragement. In addition to the professionals, my peers helped me feel comfortable and supported. I met so many unique and interesting students at camp and have seen them go on to do some incredible things. 21CL has given me lifelong friendships.


Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so, how? And if you’ve recently learned something else about leadership please share!

I consider myself a servant leader. I like to lead with the intention of impacting others meaningfully and with care and kindness. I’ve also recently learned that good leaders know when to and not to take on projects. If you are spreading yourself too thin it’s likely that others you work with will feel it too. It’s important to be intentional with the type of projects you choose to take on – just because you feel like you can do it doesn’t mean you should. Consider the needs of the team and evaluate your own bandwidth. 


What advice would you give to a current or future student?

Embrace every moment and take notes! You’ll want to look back on it one day. The network you start to build within 21CL can help you later in your career or with finding the right first job. I would recommend keeping a log of everyone you spoke with and would like to connect with later on. Try to remember one personal detail about the person – like their dog for example and sprinkle it in the next time you connect. No one wants to feel like a corporate machine and if you are being brick walled make sure you still bring the energy – it’s contagious.   


How would you describe 21CL in three words?

This is so hard! There are too many words to describe this wonderful organization but if I had to choose 3 it would be Collaborative, Fun, and Inspiring. 

21st Century Leaders Announces 2023-2024 Youth Ambassadors

Group photo of the 2023-2024 Youth Ambassadors

21st Century Leaders Celebrates Relaunch of Youth Ambassadors Program

September 25, 2023 (Atlanta, GA)  – Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Youth Ambassadors! These 30 diverse students are committed to representing the interests and voices of the 1,600+ Georgia high school students of 21st Century Leaders (21CL) who participate in our programs each year. After keeping the Youth Ambassador program in hibernation for two years, 21CL is excited to relaunch this leadership opportunity for our students with refreshed design and purpose.

The Youth Ambassadors met together for their first meeting of the 2023-2024 term on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough; they were encouraged by guest speaker Kat Taylor (Director, Diversity & Inclusion at Nelson Mullins; Owner, HOTCOFFEE; 21st Century Leaders Board of Directors), exchanged perspectives, set a vision for their shared intention, built elevator pitches, and identified “legacy” as a guiding principal for themselves.

21CL’s Youth Ambassadors are responsible for representing the values and purpose of 21st Century Leaders in their schools, communities, and at 21CL events. During their term of service, they will work together to create meaningful opportunities to engage more (and new) 21st Century Leaders across Georgia.

The Youth Ambassadors serve as 21CL advocates to empower and inspire other high school students to lead. They represent the distinct ideas, opinions, attitudes, knowledge, and actions of exemplary leaders as a collective body. The Youth Ambassadors will inform and participate in special projects and contribute to live program events, under the guidance of 21CL’s Junior Board of Directors and staff.

Our 2023-2024 Youth Ambassadors are:

  • Raveena Alli, Atlanta Girls’ School, Class of 2024
  • Rishi Byakod, South Forsyth High School, Class of 2025
  • Alonnah Copeland, Blackstone Academy, Class of 2025
  • Oluwatishe Deju, Homeschool, Class of 2026
  • Prateek Doddla, Chattahoochee High School, Class of 2025
  • Leah Duffey, Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy High School, Class of 2025
  • Emmanuela Ejoga, North Cobb High School, Class of 2024
  • Brooklyn Fields, Jefferson High School, Class of 2026
  • Joshua Girgis, Montessori School of Rome, Class of 2024
  • Brianna Hare, Davidson Fine Arts Magnet School, Class of 2024
  • Cindy Hernandez, North Clayton High School, Class of 2025
  • Christian Hooks, Grayson High School, Class of 2024
  • Erin Howard, Charles R. Drew Charter School, Class of 2024
  • Wolfe Hudepohl, Lovett School, Class of 2025
  • Morgan Ingram, GMC Prep High School, Class of 2024
  • Nishanth Kavuri, Lakeside High School (Evans), Class of 2024
  • Joy Lin, Ware County High School, Class of 2025
  • Emoni Love, Wheeler High School, Class of 2024
  • Siri Manekar, Northview High School, Class of 2025
  • Maya Matthews, Westlake High School, Class of 2024
  • Olaoluwa Oguneye, Decatur High School, 2024
  • Vidhi Raiyani, Putnam County High School, Class of 2026
  • Kennedy Reid, Savannah Arts Academy, Class of 2024
  • Abigail Rong, Denmark High School, Class of 2025
  • Aadi Shah, Innovation Academy High School, Class of 2026
  • Rhea Shah, Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Class of 2025
  • Thalia Smith, Midtown High School, Class of 2025
  • Ishita Sukul, Johns Creek High School, Class of 2024
  • Aarushi Verma, Lambert High School, Class of 2024
  • Katherine “Ivy” Yang, Alpharetta High School, Class of 2024

21CL Youth Ambassador Mission: The Youth Ambassadors’ mission is to serve as student ambassadors for 21st Century Leaders by upholding the organization’s mission and vision through servant-leadership while creating meaningful opportunities for Georgia’s next generation of youth leaders. The Youth Ambassadors strive to bring awareness to 21CL through a united voice, community service and outreach while enhancing our leadership and interpersonal skills. Our goal is to establish a strong foundation that cultivates future generations of leaders who can further expand our accomplishments.

Learn more about 21st Century Leaders at https://www.21stcenturyleaders.org/



For media inquiries, please contact:
Nicole Meadows
Director of Programs & Communications, 21st Century Leaders
nicole@21stcenturyleaders.org | 404.373.7441

Alumni Spotlight: Alisa Garcia

Alisa Garcia is a graduate of Cherokee High School (2022) and currently a sophomore at Chattahoochee Technical College and soon transitioning to Georgia College to study Public Health. She is a servant leader who has attended many of our student programs, and recently served as a Summer Leadership Team member for two of our Summer Leadership Institutes– Earthcare and the Healthcare & IT Institute, helping to mentor and inspire our current students. “As an alumna of the program, I am grateful to be able to return as a SLT member and give back. Being involved opens many doors during and after high school, giving one the opportunity to grow, make long-lasting friendships, and network with like-minded individuals who you may encounter in future endeavors.” ~Alisa Garcia

Paint a brief picture about yourself and what you are doing now.

I am Alisa Garcia, a current sophomore at Chattahoochee Technical College. Soon, I will be at Georgia College studying Public Health to become a Public Health Analyst. Recently, I participated in a one-day virtual summit with local health officials connecting over our passion to help change our communities. During my free time, I enjoy running, trying new places, being with family, and listening to Bad Bunny!

When were you in high school and which 21CL programs did you participate in?

I attended Cherokee High School from 2018 to 2022. The summer after my freshman year, I participated in the Earthcare Institute. After an immersive week of workshops and networking, my eagerness to grow as a leader deepened. In 2020, I virtually participated in the inaugural year of Healthcare & IT Institute, where I networked with healthcare professionals. The following summer, I completed my 21CL high school journey with SYLI Program.

How has your career unfolded and how did participating in 21CL help prepare you for your next steps going to college, taking on a new leadership role in community/college and after?

Although my professional career is yet to unfold, 21CL strengthened my skill set which prepared me for college. Learning to enhance my public speaking skills has helped form connections in a public setting, and being exposed to a diverse cohort of students taught me inclusivity. Being part of 21CL transformed me into a confident leader, especially within my community, which pushed me to start my non-profit organization, The Glandorf Project. This position allows me to embody leadership qualities such as decision-making, empathy, and relationship building; qualities that were instilled in me from 21st Century Leaders.

What’s your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peer, speaking in public for the first time, etc.)

There definitely have been many ‘aha’ moments throughout my time at 21CL. The shift from being in-person in my first camp to online for the rest was a huge ‘aha’ moment itself. Although, the most memorable one was my second day at Earthcare; this being my first time away from home, and meeting and spending so much time with new peers was hard adjusting, however, while we played camp games, I was able to form new friendships and the “homesick” feeling went away. Afterwards while we sat in the dining hall and talked, there was a sense of relief because I was not the only one missing home. There was a moment of realization that everyone had mixed emotions, yet we were connected through our passion to grow and become successful leaders. Once the welcoming feeling brought on by my peers and camp facilitators sunk in, by the last day I did not want to leave camp. The day was eye-opening and taught me to take advantage of the numerous opportunities this camp would bring, especially since it was a privilege to be one of 90 students chosen.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so, how? And if you’ve recently learned something else about leadership please share!

Through 21CL I was able to find the most fitting leadership style, servant leadership. This summer, I had the privilege to be part of 21CL’s Summer Leadership Team for two camps – Earthcare and Healthcare & IT. With both camps having a diverse group of students, it was moving hearing the impact I was able to make through my leadership style at both camps. As someone who puts others ahead and serves with humility, it was touching hearing how I naturally embodied the servant leadership characteristics throughout the week from my R+ memos. Throughout the camp, I strived to have an impact on the students and my listening and empathy skills definitely helped achieve that goal. From reading how I “made our group like family” to inspiring students to open up, it was a full circle moment of my roots with 21CL, since this program helped me become more confident with my leadership abilities.

What advice would you give to a current or future student?

My advice to any student would be to challenge yourself and truly take in every second with 21CL. As I sat in my school library in 2019, I was hesitant on submitting my application out of fear of not being accepted. However, it was the best decision to apply since I was able to grow and learn through my involvement. In my community, I was rarely exposed to diverse groups of students. By challenging myself to partake in 21CL programs, I was able to perceive things through a different lens and became open-minded. It is essential to take in every moment and greatly appreciate being part of such a program. Although you may believe your time with 21CL is over, it truly is not. As an alumna of the program, I am grateful to be able to return as a SLT and give back. Being involved opens many doors during and after high school, giving one the opportunity to grow, make long-lasting friendships, and network with like-minded individuals who you may encounter in future endeavors.

How would you describe 21CL in three words?

There truly are not enough words to describe 21CL since the program is THAT great! Yet, I will say these: Transformative, Inspiring, and Fun.

Fulton County + 21CL Present Youth Leadership Program


Fulton County’s CONNECTED: Youth Leadership Program (CYLP) in Partnership with 21st Century Leaders

Providing high school students with an experiential leadership and rewards program

August 1, 2023 (ATLANTA) – The Fulton County Department of Community Development is partnering with 21st Century Leaders, Georgia’s premier youth leadership and non-profit organization, to connect, transform and inspire high school students from diverse backgrounds in Fulton County to become the next generation of leaders. Registration for participation in the program is from August 21 to September 18. Applicants must submit completed applications by Monday, September 18, 2023, at 11:59 p.m.

Fulton County’s CONNECTED: Youth Leadership Program (CYLP) is an experiential program designed to provide students with a full year of robust experiences, enabling them to develop critical leadership knowledge, explore future career interests, and make informed decisions about the necessary educational and training pathways to achieve desired future career goals. Participants will also have access to live and online leadership training, special incentives, and connection with diverse peers and professionals throughout Fulton County.

Through this collaboration, YCS and 21st Century Leaders will follow an EPIC approach model: Engaging (fun and unique learning), Participatory (active and ongoing), Interactive (employer and training driven), and Connected (interest-driven/social developmental) utilizing 21st Century Leaders’ (21CL) proprietary online learning platform, Leadership Connect®, which is housed on Rali, an Atlanta based learning management system and one of 21CL’s partnering companies.

For consideration, students must meet the following criteria:

●      Must be enrolled in high school

●      Must be a Fulton County Resident

●      Access to a computer/tablet and Wi-Fi will be required to fully participate in this virtual leadership program

Leadership, recognition, and inclusivity describe just a few of the many qualities exemplified by CYLP. As such, there will be several opportunities throughout the year to provide incentives that encourage and reward participant engagement, including:

 ●      $25 Sign-on

●      $25 New Year Bonus

●      $100 Weekly Gift Card Drawing

●      $25 End-of-Year Bonus

●      Technology Prizes (Ear pods, Laptops, tablets)

●      Special Experiences

●      Live Workshops + Leadership Summits

●      Opportunity for paid summer internship (seniors only)

Completed applications may be submitted through the Fulton County website application link at www.fultoncountyga.gov/CYLP.

For more information, please contact Dionne Ferrell, Youth Coordinator, at dionne.ferrell@fultoncountyga.gov.

About 21st Century Leaders

21st Century Leaders® is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that connects, transforms, and inspires high school students from diverse backgrounds across Georgia to leverage diversity, explore career opportunities, and become leaders in their school, community, and ultimately the workforce. Since its inception in 1989, 21st Century Leaders has served more than 16,000 diverse high school students from over 250 Georgia high schools through year-round leadership development, diversity and inclusion training, and career exploration programs. For more information about 21st Century Leaders, visit www.21stcenturyleaders.org.

For more Fulton County news, sign up for the weekly e-newsletter #OneFulton at https://goo.gl/Nb1L84. You can also visit Fulton County’s website at www.fultoncountyga.gov or connect with the Fulton County government on Twitter at @FultonInfo or Facebook at @fultoninfo.


Department of External Affairs
404-374-9925 (cell)
141 Pryor St. SW, Suite 3090
Atlanta, GA 30303



Alumni Spotlight: Gareth Thompson

Gareth Thompson is a graduate of Wheeler High School (2019) and of the University of Georgia (2023); this fall he will start working as a Contract Compliance Associate at KPMG. Throughout high school, Gareth attended many of our student programs, was a 21CL Youth Ambassador and recently served as a Summer Leadership Team member and alumni roundtable speaker, helping to mentor and inspire our current students.

I really encourage students to be all-in when attending these programs. You get out what you put in! Your spot in 21CL is a spot that hundreds of other students are vying for – why waste it? It is such a good opportunity to meet with professionals and start growing your professional network – something that is even more difficult to do on your own.” ~Gareth Thompson

Paint a brief picture of yourself and what you are doing now.

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Georgia in May 2023 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics and Risk Management & Insurance, along with an emphasis in consulting. I was involved in several organizations during my collegiate career – notably the Asian American Student Association (AASA), and the professional business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi of which I was Ethics Chair. Throughout college I interned at State Farm Mutual Insurance for two summers, one as an Auto Claims Intern and the second as a Special Investigative Unit Intern. This fall I plan to work full time as a Contract Compliance Associate with KPMG in the Atlanta office. As I await professional life, I enjoy travelling with friends, playing sports, playing music, and making art.

When were you in high school and which 21CL programs did you participate in?

I attended Wheeler High School from 2015 to 2019. I attended three summer leadership institutes: EarthCare at Berry College in 2016, SYLI at Emory University in 2017, and Turner Youth Voices Media Institute at Georgia Tech in 2018. I was a 2018-2019 21CL Youth Ambassador and attended Fall and Winter Leadership Summits in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Since high school, I recently returned to 21CL as a Summer Leadership Team member for EarthCare 2023.

What was your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL?

It’s so hard to pick just one memorable moment! I would have to say that the first night of EarthCare my roommates and I all went into one room and just started talking for hours, playing music, and becoming close friends. I was skeptical about joining camp at first – it was my first time away from home at an overnight camp but knowing that people were with me sharing the same experiences made it a lot more welcoming and bearable. If they could do it, so could I! Knowing that everyone involved, from the campers to the staff, were 100% all in on making the program the best it could really be encouraged me to give it my all and eventually return for years to come.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader?

I am not the loudest speaker in the room, and sometimes it’s difficult for me to have my voice heard, especially among large groups. Working on the 21CL projects helped me speak up, and even encourage others to do the same. Being around so many different people with different experiences meant that everyone had a unique perspective to the tasks we were trying to solve. I learned to understand that, not to devalue my own contributions, and look for ways I could get others involved, even if I wasn’t the loudest. Starting off small in 21CL has helped me hone these collaborative skills into other projects that I’ve had to do in college and throughout various internship experiences.

What advice would you give to a current or future student?

I really encourage students to be all-in when attending these programs. You get out what you put in! Your spot in 21CL is a spot that hundreds of other students are vying for – why waste it? It is such a good opportunity to meet with professionals and start growing your professional network – something that is even more difficult to do on your own. The skills you learn are transferable skills that will make you head and shoulders above your peers as you venture into college and professional life. But don’t only focus on the professional! The personal relationships you form will last you a long time. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other campers or even the staff. Who knows? A relationship in camp might turn into a job opportunity down the line.

How would you describe 21CL in three words?

Powerful. Fun. Foundational.

Alumni Spotlight: Camaran Henson

Camaran Henson, a graduate of Brookwood High School (2012) and of the United States Naval Academy (2017), currently works as the Vice President, Global Program Manager at Citigroup and is a former Naval Officer who served in the US Navy for more than ten years. While in high school, Cam participated in one of 21st Century Leaders’ Summer Leadership Institutes, the media- and technology-focused program sponsored by Warner Bros. Discovery (formerly Turner) known at the time as Leadership Plugged-In. In this post he shares how that training helped him throughout his high school years and after.

“Outside of sports, this was the first time I had to engage with peers for a desired outcome. As someone who “likes to do it all” this experience gave me insight on how to rely on and trust in my team.” – Camaran Henson

Paint a brief picture of yourself and what you are doing now.

After graduating high school, I attended the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. While there I earned my Bachelor of Science in Economics. Following graduation, I was commissioned into the navy as a Naval Officer. I had the opportunity to serve in the Navy for an additional 6 years and led teams of 30-300 personnel. I have now transitioned out of the naval service and work as a Vice President, Global Program Manager at Citi. In this role I serve as an internal consultant to Citi’s transformation goals.

When were you in high school and which 21CL programs did you participate in?

While in high school in 2010, I participated in a 21CL summer camp program known as Leadership Plugged-In at Georgia Institute of Technology.

How has your career unfolded and how did participating in 21CL help prepare you for your next steps going to college, taking on a new leadership role in community/college and after?

21CL was my first exposure to networking with peers outside of the classroom. It gave me the opportunity to work with individuals with different backgrounds at an early age in my life and the networking and interpersonal skills I learned guided me through my time at the Naval Academy and beyond!

What’s your memorable or ‘aha’ moment during your time at 21CL? (Particular program, meeting a professional and diverse peer, speaking in public for the first time, etc.)

While at the 21CL camp I had to work with a group to do a presentation. Outside of sports, this was the first time I had to engage with peers for a desired outcome. As someone who “likes to do it all” this experience gave me insight on how to rely on and trust in my team.

Did 21CL assist you in developing a leadership style that makes you an effective leader? if so, how? And if you’ve recently learned something else about leadership please share!

Recently I have learned that leadership is to try and look at situations from another person’s perspective.

What advice would you give to a current or future student?

Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Take on challenges and utilize this time in your life to work out the “kinks.” Step outside of your comfort and challenge yourself in the areas that you think you need to develop.

How would you describe 21CL in three words?

Insightful, Engaging and FUN!